
Second Anniversary Poetry Contest

To celebrate Squaredle's 2nd anniversary, we're hosting a poetry contest!

Voting has ended. Thanks!

You could win up to 2 years of Squaredle Squared and up to $100 of merch by submitting an original poem.
Limericks, haiku, rhymes, free verse — anything goes!

Play the Poetry Special Puzzle for inspiration, then craft a poem that uses at least 5 of these words (or 1, for poems <= 20 words) in the poem itself.

The Squaredle Squad will choose the top 5 entries to present to the community for voting. Community votes will decide the prizes from among the 5 finalists.

In the case of a tie, the Squaredle Squad will decide the winner.

You don't have to be Discord member to enter or vote, but we'd love it if you'd join our community! The winning entries will be posted in a special Discord channel, and soon after, many of the other entries too.

Be sure to review the key rules below, then read the See Official Contest Rules for more rules such as eligibility criteria (including your age).


Submissions are now closed.